. There are six candidates who have shown an interest in this vacancy. This means we must now hold a ballot.
Ballot papers and statements from each candidate have been emailed out to famlilies. As indicated on the ballot paper you should vote by marking an ‘X’ alongside the name of the parent you wish to support. Once you have marked the ballot paper you should seal it in the envelope provided. This should then be put in the ballot box which can be found in Primary and Secondary Reception, by 4.00pm 0n 16th June. You may vote for ONE candidate. Each parent can submit ONE ballot paper, regardless of the number of children they have attending the school.
If you are unable to print copies, we will have some available in Primary and Secondary receptions for you to collect and complete. If it is not possible for you to vote in person, please return the sealed envelope to the following address: FAO: Mrs K Wright - Deputy Headteacher, Northampton International Academy, Barrack Road, Northampton, NN1 1AA.
The election will be decided by a simple majority of votes cast. In the event of a tie, lots will be drawn.
The result will be published after the election has been completed.