Business Studies

Key Stage 4 and 5 only

Students will start by learning about business concepts and issues concerning the activities of a business. They explore the purpose and role of a business from spotting an opportunity through to the growth of an established business.

They will look at the importance of advertising and the ‘marketing mix, which ensures businesses meet the needs of its customers. Students will also investigate the role of human resources from communication to the recruitment process and how businesses spend time selecting the right candidate for a position.

Later in the course, students take a closer look at the role of operations and finance in business activity. Operations include production processes, quality of goods and services, customer service, and working with suppliers.  The finance section covers the role of the department, sources of finance available to businesses, costs, profit and loss, cash and cash flow.

They also explore how business responds to external influences, including ethical and environmental considerations, the economic climate and globalisation, and how businesses are not stand alone entities but exist in a state of interdependence with other businesses and stakeholders.

The subject is not just delivered through desk research.  The dynamics of the business world will be investigated through group work and exploring real business examples.


Any career in business requires individuals to have good numeracy and literacy skills, and these are developed throughout the course. Confidence is also key, so the ability to present in front of an audience is also developed and encouraged. Throughout the course a range of career options are referenced and explored to ensure that they are fully informed of the numerous possibilities that may inform further choices in education or training.

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