
At NIA we aim to ensure that all learners achieve their personal best. In careers education, this translates into every pupil making aspirational choices for their progression.

Through informed and personalised careers guidance we ensure that whatever pathway they choose (academic, vocational or apprenticeship) learners are equipped with the skills, knowledge and understanding to prepare them for the world of work. The Careers programme includes independent advice and guidance in addition to an embedded curriculum programme matched to the Gatsby Benchmarks. 

It is our goal to ensure that at 100% of children at NIA will meet the government expectation post 16 by selecting one of the education/training options available to them:

  • staying in full-time education
  • starting an apprenticeship or training programme
  • spending 20 hours or more a week working or volunteering, while in part-time education or training

We do this through bespoke careers guidance, by brokering appropriate work or training placements, and in tracking destinations. 

It is our goal to ensure that post 18 all young people gain access to education, employment or training that ensures their progression into higher education, training or the world of work. 

All careers advice offered will be monitored by NIA's Senior Leadership Team and the Local Authority Board and the East Midlands Academy Trust at LAB meetings.

Careers Education Programme at NIA 

At NIA, we believe our young people are capable of achieving anything they set their minds to. We strive to foster a passion for learning and nurture and raise pupils’ aspirations. We aim to enrich pupils’ learning experiences and ensure that all, from Reception to Year 13, benefit from the best possible information, guidance and experiences so they can progress successfully to further or higher education, vocational training, apprenticeships or employment.

Our Careers Education Programme begins when pupils join our school in Reception and continues to the quality Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) we provide to all pupils from Years 7-13, educating them about future opportunities and potential career paths based on their individual needs. We provide all pupils with a planned programme of learning and activities to help them choose the pathways that are right for them and enable them to enter successful careers, sustain employability and achieve personal and economic wellbeing throughout their lives.

Our careers education programme helps to ensure our pupils take pride in themselves and their futures, increase their resilience and become part of an aspirational generation of young adults in our local and wider communities. We encourage our pupils to recognise and embrace their own distinct set of talents, skills and knowledge to make informed career choices.

See more detail about NIA’s Careers Education Programme:

We encourage our students to move onto their ‘Next Steps’ having developed the key employability and enterprise skills which are highly valued in the world of work. By working in collaboration with local employers, SEMLEP, universities and colleges to receive excellent current advice and guidance,  our aim is for every child to fulfil their potential and be inspired to achieve a successful future, making well informed, aspirational decisions. Using the Gastby benchmarks as the foundation of the CEIAG programme, every student will benefit from opportunities, for 1:1 and group guidance from a range of industry professionals. During their time at NIA students will research a range of careers choices, explore local and national labour market information and consider all post 16 and 18 options. 

Careers sessions are delivered through PSHE and Enrichment lessons and are assessed in relation to the Gatsby benchmarks using Compass+. Students also have the opportunity to voice their feedback on careers provision in whole school surveys, as well as undertaking an annual Careers Reflection task during tutor time in the summer. Student Voice feeds into the annual careers audit, which assesses careers mapping across the curriculum. All information published on careers education at Northampton International Academy is reviewed on an annual basis in each summer term.

All students and parents/carers can address any careers advice queries to our Careers Lead - Geraldine Tandoh

Further careers advice and guidance is readily available online. We recommend How 2 Become as a starting point for careers guidance and resources. 

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