Welcome to NIA

We are very much looking forward to you joining us as the newest members of NIA. We know the thought of moving into secondary school can be daunting and we aim to make sure that the transition to secondary school is smooth and reassuring to help you settle in quickly and become part of our extended family.

The information and videos on this page will give you an insight into what to expect when you join and how to make contact with us should you require any additional support. 

How do we support your child moving from Primary to Secondary?

We visit your child’s primary school to ensure that we have all information needed to ensure that their needs are met.

Information is collected from parents and carers to ensure we have accurate contact details and any medical and dietary needs. 

We hold induction days aimed at making your child supported in their transition to secondary school. This includes lots of information about new routines and, of course, orientation around the building. Our existing year 7 will be on hand to support and share their experiences.

An Induction booklet is shared with families outlining information such as times of the school day, uniform, rules, support, learning and will introduce the Year 7 team.

Early in September we hold a ‘Meet the Tutor’ evening.

We hold fact finder days for children with additional needs (you will be contacted individually if we feel that your child would benefit from involvement in this)

Year 7 staff

Meet the Year 7 head of year - Miss Middleton

Meet your Pastoral leader - Mrs Broadbent

Below we would like to share with you our school poem, written by students at NIA. This poem encapsulates our values, our dreams and aspirations for all who come to learn here. You will even get a bit of a glimpse of some of our fantastic facilities. 

Once again, we are delighted you have chosen NIA to start your secondary education, and we cannot wait to welcome you to our family. 


Our school poem

Get in Touch

To get in touch with Northampton International Academy please click on the link below, or call us on 01604 212811

Contact Us