Work Experience Placement
Introducing students to the world of work can help them understand the work environment, choose future careers, or prepare for employment. It can take the form of a short or longer placement with a placement provider (employer) where students will have the opportunity to observe and practice work tasks.
Could you provide a work experience placement?
If you are interested in becoming a placement provider for an NIA student, either this year or in the future, please use the information provided in the booklets below to understand the role of a work placement employer. The Employer/Student agreement form may also be completed by employers to offer their services and add themselves to the bank of employers we use for Careers events and work experience. Please feel free to download and complete this form, then send to the NIA Careers Lead, Maria Edwards by emailing
All students and parents/carers can address any careers advice queries to our Careers Lead Geraldine Tandoh
Further careers advice and guidance is readily available online. We recommend How 2 Become as a starting point for careers guidance and resources.