New NIA sixth form centre
Our new sixth form centre NIA6 is now open!
It includes a reception area, classrooms, cafeteria and communal area and an outside space. Having a dedicated sixth form centre in university-style surroundings allows our students to be more independent, and bridge the gap between school and university or employment and training opportunities, so better prepares them for whatever their next steps will be.
An initial five-year lease has been agreed for Elgin House (Billing Road, Northampton), which has been completely refurbished ahead of the new school year to provide modern and spacious facilities for post-16 students.
The centre was funded by the Department of Education in response to the discovery of Reinforced Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (RAAC) in the roof of NIA’s main building last September. Although NIA has remained open with no disruption to classes for students, the RAAC has meant that 18 classrooms and the sixth form area continue to be out of use.
We invited staff, students and the wider community to help us come up with a name for our new sixth form campus and the final decision was NIA6.