English as an Additional Language

Our EAL vision at NIA

Each year some learners join our school with little or no English language. Our vision is that all learners, no matter their starting points, will be able to achieve success. Our EAL curriculum meets the language learner at their starting point and aims to rapidly teach them the English language skills necessary to engage with the wider curriculum.

Reading, writing and communication are at the heart of our teaching. We know that students need these core skills for success in the whole curriculum. We aim to move students from no English to proficient English through bespoke interventions. We use a succession of baseline assessments to determine students’ proficiency in their own language and proficiency in English.

Our curriculum is split into three Key Stage groups. KS2 and 3 learners follow a programme that includes library lessons, one to one reading, lexia and bespoke sessions tailored to them. Our KS4 learners follow a more mature programme that takes into account their examination needs. Our KS5 learners are supported in a more bespoke programme that ensures success in their chosen subjects. 

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